The Men of Gatsby were all very different men who each had their own way of life. Mr. Jay Gatsby was a very different man who only really wanted one particular thing in his life, which was Daisy. When he first laid eyes on her he knew right then and there that Daisy was the one. But since Gatsby was serving in the war at the time, he wasn't able to see her and eventually Daisy moved on and married Tom. Gatsby never forgot about her. He even bought a house right across from her's on the opposite side of the water just so he could see her house. And in the evening he would stare at the green light that was in front of Daisy's house because he knew she was right there. He tried everything to get Daisy back, like buying the biggest house, owning the nicest things, and throwing the biggest parties, but Daisy truley did love Tom and couldnt leave him even though she also loved Gatsby just as much. Gatsby was just the type of man who always had to get his way, but in the end he never got his true love.
On the other hand, Tom got, and always had what he wanted which was Daisy. Tom was a selfish wealthy man who couldn't stand Mr. Gatsby because he new that he loved Daisy and she loved him back. He was also a flirty young fellow who cheated on Daisy with Myrtle. Even though what Tom was doing was wrong, he still didnt love Myrtle like he loved Daisy. Tom was sort of like gatsby in a way because he wanted Daisy to himself as well. But unlike Gatsby, Tom got what he wanted, which was to be with Daisy, and just love her unconditionally.
Another man was Nick. He was the total opposite of Tom and Gatsby. Nick wasnt a wealthy man who had all of the nice things they had. He was just a man who sold bonds and minded his own business. When he met Gatsby he didn't judge him or believe all the rumors about him, which made Gatsby and Nick become good friends. But just like Tom and Gatsby loved Daisy, Nick was falling in love with Jordan Baker. But when Gatsby died, Nick became very sad and only wanted to find peace with the situation.
As you can see, these three men are different in their own ways which makes the Men of Gatsby a very interesting and characterized group of people.
Source: "The Great Gatsby"