The Women of Gatsby have many similarities and differences. The main trait about all of these women is that they want money and love, but they all want it in a different way. Daisy is the main conflict of the story because she is in love with both Tom and Gatsby. Both of these men have a lot of money and love for her. But only Gatsby is willing to give Daisy his all and that makes Daisy torn between the two. She is also a very ditsy lady, who is lost in love btween both Gatsby and Tom.
Myrtle is also looking for a wealthy man who can provide a lavish lifestyle for her. She is cheating on her husband Mr. Wilson with Tom, Daisy's husband. Myrtle believes that Tom loves her, but really Tom loves Daisy even though what he's doing is wrong. She isn't happy with her poor husband, and that is the reason she is cheating on him with a wealthy man. This shows that Myrtle is very selfish and only cares about money.
On the other hand, Jordan Baker is only focused on one man, which is Nick. She doesn't care how much money he has. All she really cares about is her love and passion towards Nick. Even though Jordan is a wealthy woman, and is living a good life, she wouldn't mind being able to be with the one she loves even if he isn't as wealthy as Tom or Gatsby. Jordan shows that she isn't selfish like Daisy or Myrtle, which seems to be very uncommon in the Women of Gatsby.
Sources: "The Great Gatsby"